Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Lemons the Shining Fruit

From everything to slices of lemon in our water at restaurants to garnishes for food lemon has been heralded as a zesty fruit that has become common place in the application of foods and even common household cleaners.  More then just a mere fruit this source of vitamins and nutrients can also act as a solvent due its high acid content. This in conjunction with other base minerals or materials can produce surprising effects.

 Known effects and benefits of eating lemons:
  • High in potassium and Vitamin C! This combined with the high citric acid content can help the body in removal of toxins as well as preventing nasty diseases such as scurvy from a lack of vitamin c. This is crucial in the proper functioning of the immune system.
  • The citric acid content in urine can help to aid the prevention of the forming of calcium deposits which eventually become stones from an improper diet or preexisting condition.
  • Mixing lemon juice with honey can help alleviate the itching and soreness from a cold or sore throat.
  • The liminoids found in lemons help prevent cancer by preventing damage in cells that lead to the formation of an unhealthy cancer cell.
  • Lemons contain pectin which is responsible for colon health as well as being a antibacterial for the body.
  • Helps to balance and or maintain the Ph scale of the body.
  • Known to help aid in digestion in the body helping the stomach acids.
  • Helps to prevent the growth of bacteria and other harmful invaders in the body by providing essential compounds the body needs to fight them off.
  • Helps to replenish body salts such after strenuous activity in which intense periods of perspiration have depleted the body of salts.
  • Helps to reduce pain and inflammation in joints.
  • Considered a Blood Purifier 
  • Contains flavonoids, which have antioxidant and cancer fighting properties.
  • Improves quality of Skin, Hair, teeth
  • Helps aid in constipation as well as helps with stomach indigestion

Other Medicinal Benefits of Lemons:
  • Lemons are a natural antiseptic and can be applied to the skin for beneficial effects. They can help ease the pain of sunburn as well as stings such as from bees.
  • Can help to remove wrinkles and blackheads
  • Rubbing over areas of acne and eczema can help treat these conditions.
  • Because of its antiseptic and coagulant properties it can help internal bleeding.
  • Since it works as a blood purifier it has been effective in the treatment of cholera and malaria.
  • excellent at fighting infection of the throat due to its antibacterial effects