Monday, September 1, 2014

"The Dragon" Bruce Lee

For this post I wanted to pay homage to one of the most influential people that has changed my life by there art and there expression of true fitness at its finest level martial arts. Bruce Lee is hands down my all time favorite martial artists from all of his movies to his actual ability to be lightning fast to the point where they would have to slow the cameras down because it couldn't register how quick he was. To his unnatural control and technique with the nunchaka as well as his fist and feet.
 He was able to fully express himself and his inner intent or soul through his art form which was the motion and coordination of the body for attack and defense. I have great admiration for the art form of martial arts as well as for his contribution and making it more mainstream in the western sense as well as popularizing the martial arts to the extent where they have become common place in American. For the sake of fun and just for fellow aspirants on the path of self mastery i present you with a master who set me on my on personal path of self discovery in spiritual as well as bodily pursuits. The true mastery of the self through the linkage if the body and the mind. Perfecting both aspects and then wielding them into a terrible whole that is capable of perfect execution of technique as well as power.
Bruce was more then just a great martial artist and strategist he was also very introspective as well as philosophical. One of his most famous quotes besides his classic noise during fights is "You must be shapeless, formless, like water. When you pour water in a cup, it becomes the cup. When you pour water in a bottle, it becomes the bottle. When you pour water in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water can drip and it can Crash. Become like water my friend." I believe there is a lot of truth to this in more ways then one. For the soft  essence of water can eventually overcome the hard exterior of rock and render it rubble. If you are static in life and cling to everything solidifying like a rock when stress comes you are likely to crack in time. If you are going with the flow and accepting and adapting to the new then you cannot become stuck in old rigid patterns that lead to self destruction in time due to  stress. You cannot fight the ocean but you can most definately flow in the direction it is going.

Hanging Bar Stars

The Hanging Bar a very simple yet grueling exercise equipment  that can have you begging for reprieve after an intense workout. Today I would like to highlight certain individuals who have taken there personal pursuit for training to a new level. All around the world are people who seem to surpass what is thought possible for the human body. I would like to provide a collection of videos showcasing individuals proficient in the use of Hanging Bar training. First I would like to show case Hannibal For King. Hannibal's proficiency with the Bar as a form of training are outstanding to say the least. He has full control of his body and excellent range of motion in space for the most part while performing numerous feats of strength and proper muscle articulation.
Next In the list are the Bar Brothers who are a network of like minded people that focus on mostly bar related workouts to improve there overall quality of fitness. They can be found here on Facebook and on there Youtube channel Bar Brothers. Here is a few example of the types of workouts and group workouts they participate in.

The Last Bar star is Frank Medrano with a impressive display of skill and control in his training. He optimizes his ability to perform by honing in on his diet to the highest degree. All his nutrition stemming from a high powered Vegan diet.

Though Just a short list of people who have managed to make the hanging bar there own and the body it has granted them from the trials of there labors. I encourage you to try some hanging bar training of your own and experiment with what you can come up with. Be safe be smart use common sense start slow but dream big and maybe you too can become a Hanging Bar Star.